mmm... a tag??!!! (from vaishno)... let me try...
1. Last movie you saw in a theater?
Sarkar raj
2. What book are you reading?
"Why so stupid" by Edward De Bono
3. Favorite board game?
Chess.... mmm.. anything else too ;)
4. Favorite magazine?
5. Favorite smells?
some flowers (don't know their names), my dog...
6. Favorite sounds?
anything soothing.... could be a cuckoo, calmness in a forest, a humming by sis...
7. Worst feeling in the world?
When failed a commitment...
8. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up?
9. Favorite fast food place?
Any place with friends...
10. Future child’s name?
Should ask their parents....
11. Finish this statement. “If I had lot of money I’d….?
12. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
Sometimes, it sleeps with me...
13. Storms - cool or scary?
14. Favorite drink?
Water... anytime...
15. Finish this statement, “If I had the time I would….”?
still more time???!!!
16. Do you eat the stems on broccoli?
mmm... should ask those who cooked for me... can eat anything...
17. If you could dye your hair any color, what would be your choice?
mmm... may be a transparent color...
18. Name all the different cities/towns you’ve lived in?
Do I live??? :-?
19. Favorite sports to watch?
Depends... can watch anything... including fencing...
20. One nice thing about the person who sent this to you?
Vaishno!!?? - nice thing??!! - mmm.. (C'on help me vaishno)
21. What’s under your bed?
... think... there may be air... but couldn't see it...
22. Would you like to be born as yourself again?
I don't know... have no problem anyway...
23. Morning person, or night owl?
depends... again... no problem...
24. Over easy, or sunny side up?
Well... what is this??
25. Favorite place to relax?
any place with a cool and pleasant breeze...
26. Favorite pie?
27. Favorite ice cream flavor?
anything again...
28. Of all the people you tagged this to, who’s most likely to respond first?
Well... no body reads this blog (as I hardly write), so if you are to read this unfortunately, please try...